Cerebral palsy sufferer Ben Baddeley's pioneering treatment has transformed his life

The pioneering treatment which transformed the life of Mirror boy Ben Baddeley has worked and should be available on the NHS , his delighted family have revealed.
Two years, six months and five days after we launched an appeal to support the fund for his vital ops when they were cancelled due to Tory cuts, a letter from Ben’s Professor Michael Vloeberghs proves it has all been worth while.
Mirror readers helped to raise more than £20,000 for Ben’s selective dorsal rhizotomy treatment (SDR) after it was cancelled at the last minute because NHS chiefs said there was no proof that it would work.
But it has totally changed his life, and Ben, now 12, is thriving at a main stream school.
The Baddeleys had to raise another £25,000 through their own fundraising and public appeals to pay for his post op physio.

Andy Commins/Daily MirrorBen Baddeley
Ben Baddeley has had his life transformed

Prof Vloeberghs, who works for Nottingham University Hospitals – where Ben’s operations were carried out privately - has written to NHS chiefs to give an update on his condition.
And he urges them to continue with vital post op physio for the youngster.
“I reviewed Benjamin Baddeley in my SDR Assessment Clinic,” he tells them.
“Benjamin is two years post SDR and has made remarkable progress in these past two years.
“From being a very disabled young boy, he is now an independent walker, with still some abnormality of gait dynamics, but able to walk good distances.”
Proud mum Amy, 32, of Silverdale, Staffs., told how her son had set himself a target of walking 100m to their local shops without stopping for any support.

Phil Harris/Daily MirrorBen Baddeley
Ben Baddeley is now walking thanks to the pioneering treatment

She followed him and filmed his latest efforts, confirming he can now walk unaided, even on slippy pavements after rain.
Prof Vloebergs confirmed her son’s general health has progressed as well as his movement.
“Benjamin has improved in general bladder and bower are to be considered normal and his upper limb function has improved,” he adds.
“He is able to write and draw and his father tells me that his performance has come on in leaps and bounds.
“Benjamin is now in mainstream school and is doing well. Ben partakes in a lot of physio related physical activities which is obviously beneficial.

Daily Mirror pages 12 & 13 - 27th February 2014
The Daily Mirror has campaigned for Ben to get treatment

“There have been previous concerns about Benjamin’s hips for which regular review is required. I would be grateful if you would consider reviewing him in the near future.”
He adds that he needs physio – which the family has funded for the past two years – and urges the NHS to continue that work.
The Belgian-born Prof, an expert in his field, concludes: “Benjamin is about at a growth spurt and may require tuning of his exercise programme in accord with his changing needs.
“In essence, Benjamin, his father and I are very pleased with the progress he has made but it is my opinion he will need further input from physiotherapy from yourself to maximise his potential and avoid long term complications such as problems with hips, knees and ankles.”
Amy described the findings as “brilliant” - and believes the confirm what the family has been ‘saying all along’ about his treatment. She said: “It was a relief getting that letter.

Phil Harris/Daily MirrorBen Baddeley together with his brother Josh, mum Amy and dad Gary
Ben Baddeley together with his brother Josh, mum Amy and dad Gary

“It took six weeks that took from the day of his assessment.”
Amy and her husband Gary, a car worker, are now expecting a meeting with Ben’s local NHS Trust to rubber stamp his continuing physio.
She added: “I hope the meeting is soon as I am looking at his up coming bills not entirely sure Gary’s overtime is going to cover it.
“I really can’t see how they can back out of helping now that they have seen the proof from the NHS surgeon that this treatment is working. That’s what they asked for.”
It will save the Baddeleys fees of up to £260-a-time for specialist physio sessions.
We told how Ben wrote to then Prime Minister David Cameron to ask for his £2,000-a-month physio bills to be paid for by the NHS.

Ben Baddeley
Ben Baddeley as a toddler

The Baddeleys have campaigned tirelessly for proper health service funding for cerebral palsy children since Ben’s ops were cancelled in 2014 - and took a ‘dossier’ of our stories with them to meet health service chiefs earlier this year.
North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has promised to look again at funding Ben’s physio and Prof Vloeberghs letter has been sent to David Emery, a consultant at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire.
NHS guidelines state children like Ben will not need physio two years after the SDR ops - which he had in July 2014. But many of our readers condemned the Tories handling of Ben’s case.
A series of Mirror stories has also helped him to get treatment on a special under water tread mill which has greatly improved his movement.

The two SDR operations involved opening the spine to cut out nerves in his legs which are were not working to improve his movement. Physio was needed three times a week afterwards.
It is estimated that one in every 400 UK children is affected by cerebral palsy, with 1,800 babies diagnosed each year.
source : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/cerebral-palsy-sufferer-ben-baddeleys-8886123
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