“No Jab,No Pay” Policy Has Led To More Vaccinations & Injuries

According to a recent report from ABC AU, The Australian Federal Government is heralding its “no jab, no pay” policy as having led to an extra 5,700 children being vaccinated since its implementation at the start of the year.
The way it works is like this, families who are in need of payment assistance from the government must have their children vaccinated before receiving assistance. Seems kind of forceful and harmful no? Forcing your most in need, down on their luck citizens to be vaccinated only to potentially be left with injuries. It sure seems to be a poorly thought out program.

Since the policy was introduced in January, the immunisation rate for one and five-year-olds has now reached 93 per cent, up from around 90 per cent when the plan passed Federal Parliament.
Social Services Minister Christian Porter said while it was not ideal to threaten to withhold family welfare payments, it was clear the policy was working.
“We were facing a situation where the medical community were telling us that ‘herd immunity rates’, as they call it, need to be 95 per cent, and we were just dropping steadily below that,” Mr Porter said.
Nothing like having the medical community dictate what happens to your health and citizens.
Source :  http://edgytruth.com/no-jabno-pay-policy-led-vaccinations-injuries/
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27 September 2016 at 09:05 ×

Medical tyranny at its finest

Congrats bro Anonymous you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...