Vaccines Can Cause Infertility

I have been investigating whether there is a proven link between vaccines and infertility. What I have uncovered will shock many readers because I have discovered that innocent women and girls in developing countries have been deliberately experimented on, with the use of infertility vaccines, for many years.
They are not the only victims. Recently several vaccines used worldwide have also been found to cause infertility, including the HPV vaccines and many of the swine flu vaccines.
My interest in the subject began after it was reported that the Japanese government had decided to withdraw its support for the HPV vaccine schedule. This decision came after the government received approximately 2000 reports from women and girls suffering adverse reactions, including long-term pain, numbness, paralysis and infertility. [1]
This does not mean that Japan has banned or suspended the program, as the vaccines will still be available to anyone wishing to receive them. However, the medical provider will automatically inform anyone wishing to receive the HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix that the Japanese government no longer supports the HPV vaccine program.

This Shot Changed One Girl’s Life Forever

Over the years, a range of adverse reactions have been reported worldwide after the HPV vaccinations. However, the discovery that the HPV vaccine has been found to cause infertility in some women has only been publicized more recently.
In 2012, the British Medical Journal published a paper by Dr. Deidrie Little titledPremature Ovarian Failure 3 Years After Menarche in a 16 Year-Old Girl Following Human Papillomavirus Vaccination, in which Dr. Little detailed the case of a sixteen year-old girl suffering from premature menopause after receiving the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The summary of the paper states:
“Premature ovarian failure in a well adolescent is a rare event. Its occurrence raises important questions about causation, which may signal other systemic concerns. This patient presented with amenorrhoea after identifying a change from her regular cycle to irregular and scant periods following vaccinations against human papillomavirus. She declined the oral contraceptives initially prescribed for amenorrhoea. The diagnostic tasks were to determine the reason for her secondary amenorrhoea and then to investigate for possible causes of the premature ovarian failure identified.
Although the cause is unknown in 90% of cases, the remaining chief identifiable causes of this condition were excluded. Premature ovarian failure was then notified as a possible adverse event following this vaccination. The young woman was counselled regarding preservation of bone density, reproductive implications and relevant follow-up. This event could hold potential implications for population health and prompts further inquiry.”
As the BMJ charges a fee to read their articles, interested readers can find a report about the case on the Weekly Briefing of the Population Research Institute’s website. The report states that Dr. Little said that before the sixteen year-old received the vaccine Gardasil during the fall of 2008, her menstrual cycle was perfectly normal. However, by January 2009, her cycle had become irregular, and over the course of the next two years, her menses (bleeds) had become increasingly irregular. By 2011, she had ceased menstruating altogether.
The Weekly Briefing stated:
“In the Australian case, after testing the levels of numerous hormones, and the function of various internal organs, the girl was diagnosed by Dr. Little as having “premature ovarian failure”, which is defined as “the presence of menopausal gonadotrophin levels in association with over 3 months of amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea before age 40 years.”
Further testing confirmed that all of her eggs—every last one—were dead. She was and is totally and irrevocably infertile.”
The Weekly Briefing article has since been removed, but a complete copy of the article can be found on several websites, including Population Research Institute.

Thousands of Women Are Now Infertile Because of Vaccines

It is extremely unusual for a girl of this age to enter early menopause. So, we must ask ourselves, was it the vaccine that caused her symptoms or was it something else?
I decided to research if there were any other reports or papers on the subject of vaccination and infertility. I was horrified by what I discovered.
I found a total of 56 research papers listed on PubMed relating to contraceptive vaccines, dating as far back as 1977. No doubt a researcher entering a range of different search terms could come up with many more. [4]
This led me to question whether or not vaccines were being manufactured deliberately to cause infertility. One paper in particular, published in 1989, written by G.P. Talwar and R. Raghupathy titled Anti-Fertility Vaccines appears to suggest that they are. The authors stated:
“Vaccines are under development for the control of fertility in males and females. This review discusses developments in anti-fertility vaccines at the National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India.
A single injection procedure for the sterilization or castration of male animals depending on the site at which the injection is given, has passed through field testing and is expected to be on the market in the near future.” [5]
It is difficult to judge from this abstract whether these vaccines were being developed for use on humans or animals. However, further research has led me to believe that these vaccines were being developed for humans, because not long after this paper was published, vaccines were administered to women and children in a number of countries, including Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines, causing many of them to become infertile.

Why Weren’t Men or Boys Given This “Tetanus” Vaccine?

In 1994, the World Health Organization gave many women in developing countries aged between 15 and 45 a tetanus vaccine containing a birth control drug.
An organization known as The Comite became suspicious of the protocols surrounding the vaccines and obtained several vials for testing. It was discovered that some of the vials contained human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a naturally occurring hormone essential for maintaining a pregnancy.
However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, this vaccine essentially causes a woman’s body to produce antibodies against pregnancy, forcing her body to abort her unborn baby. The ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute, reporting on the story, stated:
“In nature the hCG hormone alerts the woman’s body that she is pregnant and causes the release of other hormones to prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of the fertilized egg. The rapid rise in hCG levels after conception makes it an excellent marker for confirmation of pregnancy: when a woman takes a pregnancy test she is not tested for the pregnancy itself, but for the elevated presence of hCG.
However, when introduced into the body coupled with a tetanus toxoid carrier, antibodies will be formed not only against tetanus but also against hCG. In this case the body fails to recognize hCG as a friend and will produce anti-hCG antibodies. The antibodies will attack subsequent pregnancies by killing the hCG which naturally sustains a pregnancy; when a woman has sufficient anti-hCG antibodies in her system, she is rendered incapable of maintaining a pregnancy.”[6]
Curiously, no men, boys or babies were vaccinated during the program. The only people vaccinated with this particular vaccine were women aged between 15 and 45. Was it a coincidence that these vaccines were only given to women of childbearing age? After all, anyone can contract tetanus, can’t they?
If The Comite had not become suspicious, then no one would have been any wiser. However, the question now remains: Was this a deliberate attempt by the WHO to reduce the population? The answer may lay in a paper written in 1997.

Girls and Women as Fertility Control Guinea Pigs

In 1997, another paper by G.P. Talwar titled Vaccines for Control of Fertility and Hormone Dependent Cancers was published by Immunology and Cell Biology. The author stated in the introduction:
“The twentieth century is marked by an unprecedented rise in the population. Four billion people will be added to the world population in 73 years of this century, whereas the global population attained the two billion mark only in1927. In India, the population increases by 18 million per year, equivalent to the entire population of Australia.
Although a number of methods are available for contraception, they are not suited to many people in economically developing countries and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the contraceptive needs of 350 million couples are unmet.” [7]
At first glance, it appears that the scientists were trying to develop a vaccine to use as an alternative method of contraception, to be offered at fertility clinics; that is, until you read deeper into the paper.
On page 185 in the section titled Operational Strategy, the author stated:
“Both hCG and LHRH are self hormones in humans and are poor antigens. To improve their immunogenicity, they are derivatized with haptenic groups as followed by Stevens ct al. in their initial studies or they are chemically linked to carriers to enlist T helper cell activity. We used carriers, first tetanus toxoid (TT) and later diphtheria toxoid (DT) or cholera toxin chain B (CTB). Tetanus accounts a large mortality of women at the time of delivery, which in developing countries, often occurs in places other than maternity homes/clinics. TT conjugates conferred immunoprophylactic benefit against tetanus, besides overcoming immunological tolerance to the self hormone. Diversification of carriers on repeat immunization avoided hyperimmunization against a given carrier and carrier-induced immunosuppression.”
Reading on, the section titled Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, reads as follows:
“Human chorionic gonadotropin was a preferred choice as a target for a contraceptive vaccine of three groups of investigators. Although the existence of’ leaky genes making small amounts of hCG in the non-pregnant state has been observed by William Odell. the hormone thus made is not conspicuous in its bioactivity nor appreciable in amount, hCG is a definite marker of pregnancy, when trophoblastic and other tumours are excluded. Its synthesis and secretion begins at the pre-implantation stage, as observed in the vitro-fertilized human embryo. It is involved in implantation since marmoset (south or central American monkey) embryos exposed to anti-phCG antibodies do not implant.’”
The author continued by adding:
“Interception of conception by anti-hCG antibodies is also supported by phase II clinical trials where no lengthening of the luteal phase was observed in women who were protected from becoming pregnant. As pregnancy is deemed to begin only after implantation of the embryo to the endometrium. hCG vaccine by preventing it is not an abortifacient but a contraceptive vaccine. hCG is also required for corpus luteum support and production of progesterone during the first 7 weeks until the placenta takes over. It thus has a role in both establishing and supporting pregnancy. Its chemistry was known by the early 1970s and it could be purified from pregnancy urine.”
These vaccines appear to be strikingly similar to the vaccines that were given to the women in developing countries for tetanus in 1994, just three years earlier, which were also found to contain the hormone hCG.
So, were the women and children living in developing countries in 1994 deliberately experimented on? It certainly appears that they were, as the vaccine trials using the tetanus vaccine on women and girls of childbearing age took place three years before this paper was written.
Another point that should be mentioned here is the fact that these trials were unethical, and yet there is no mention of an ethics committee. Were members of an ethics committee ever consulted before any of these vaccines were administered?

Massive Increase in Fetal Deaths After Pregnant Moms Receive Flu Vaccine

The tetanus vaccines were given in the 1990s and yet vaccines are said to be causing infertility still today. Other than the HPV vaccines, which I discussed earlier, Fluarix, the vaccine manufactured by GSK against the swine flu, has also been reported to cause infertility. [8]
In fact, the information given on the prescribing information sheet states that the vaccine has not been evaluated for the impairment of fertility and that it is not known whether Fluarix can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or if it can affect reproduction capacity. [9]
In other words, it is possible that this vaccine can lead to infertility!
Despite this information being readily available on the Internet, pregnant women are still being recommended to receive various flu vaccines every year.
Documentation received from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) states that between 2009 and 2010, the mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women.
Eileen Dannerman from NCOW stated that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) deliberately misled the nation’s obstetricians and gynecologists and colluded with the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) to mislead the public by advertising the flu vaccine as a safe vaccine for pregnant women when they knew fully well that it was causing a massive spike in fetal deaths. [10]


What I have discovered, I am sure that many would agree, is absolutely horrific. It appears that many of the recommended vaccinations are known by the governments and pharmaceutical industries to cause infertility. Many of these vaccines are mandatory. We need to ask ourselves why our governments are deliberately force-vaccinating us with vaccines known to cause infertility.
Another question we need to ask is why are so many studies being funded to study the subject area surrounding vaccines and infertility.
Many leading professionals believe that these vaccines are being offered as part of a global depopulation plan. We need to ask ourselves whether or not our governments have the right to play God with our lives without our knowledge or consent.
I believe it is high time that we took back the control of our own lives and researched all vaccinations thoroughly before we agree to be vaccinated. Ultimately, it is each person’s decision whether or not they should be vaccinated, and the only way that we can make an informed choice about vaccinations is to be fully informed of the facts before agreeing to be vaccinated.
I have proven, by referencing documents, articles and scientific papers, that a series of vaccines are being developed that are known to cause infertility. These vaccines have been and still are being administered to innocent people without their knowledge or consent. Surely, this practice is not only unethical, it is criminal.
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