Pets for People With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ever hear someone say “my dog is my best rheumatoid arthritis therapy?” Studies have shown that pets are effective mood lifters for those with illnesses that impact mobility, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Owning or caring for a pet has its benefits, especially for people with RA.

Benefits of Pets for People With RA
A Reason to Get Out of Bed. Having the responsibility of caring for a pet can be a healthy responsibility. Sometimes a pet can be the only reason that the individual feels a need to get up in the morning. That sense of personal purpose, of something to care for, can have a wonderful effect on anyone living with RA or other similar conditions.
A Feel Good Combination. Pets can cause an increase of the feel-good hormone, serotonin. How can you be depressed when the little guy is doing tricks, and begging you for your love and attention? Seeing as depression is almost twice as likely to occur in people with RA, pets and RA make a good match. Some people have talked about their pets snuggling up over the joint that is causing them the most pain, and providing a deep, comforting warmth exactly where it is needed.
A “Get Moving” Prescription. Pets can alleviate or prevent depression in people with RA. Because depression is more likely to cause disability than the severity of the RA itself, pets can be associated with an improved quality of life. A pet beckoning for a walk can also get you out of the house.
Unconditional Love a Caregiver Craves. The unconditional love that pets can bring to the entire family can help to alleviate the stress of caregiving. Pets can make the job of supporting loved ones living with RA a little easier.
Pets and RA: Considerations for Caregivers
Will RA interfere with the caring of the pet? What happens when pets and RA symptoms clash? When the pain makes it too challenging for your loved one to feed the pet, clean the pet’s excrement, or shop for the pet’s necessities? A care manager can help you identify solutions that are more realistic for your situation like home health aides, volunteer opportunities involving pets, or charities that connect pets to people living with RA.
Beyond RA symptoms, what about a pet allergy? Rheumatoid arthritis isn’t the only medical factor to take into consideration. Is anyone in the household allergic to any specific type of dander? If that is the case, then you might consider a hairless pet. While there are no completely hypoallergenic pets, some pets produce less allergens than others. Be sure to consult a medical professional before procuring a pet that may induce an allergy attack.
Choose the pet together. Talk about the type of pet your family thinks will work with RA and other realities of the household. Have the discussion multiple times to allow family members to change their minds if they so desire. When possible, shop for the pet together. We are more likely to develop a bond with an animal if we choose it ourselves, rather than if a family member chooses it for us.
Adjusting to a New Pet
Once the pet has moved in, help your loved one develop a routine and action plan that will allow them to comfortably and happily live with their new pet. A professional care manager can help identify solutions to RA-related problems that may occur when acclimating to life with a new pet.

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