How The Sun will Die ?

How The Sun will Die Video?

Everything born and die. Clear the cosmological substance too. Stars are one of the important substance of the universe.

Life on earth is stable by a star Sun. Likewise everything, one day our sun will have to absolutely die. But our planet will not go into the dark silently.

To know about the death of sun we require to understand that how our sun works.
In our star the energy is shaped by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in to helium.

Stars start their lives with a heap of gas, typically hydrogen with a dash of helium and other constituent. Gas has mass, so if it is put in one place; it collapses in itself under its own weight. It creates pressure on the interior of the star, which heat up the gas until it forms plasma. The hydrogen atoms start to fuse into the helium and release energy in form of light and heat, which creates the external pressure and prevent the gas from collapsing any further.

That's how a star is born.
There is enough hydrogen in our sun to keep it organization for billions of years.
But eventually, approximately all of the hydrogen in the sun's core will have fused into the helium. At the stage the sun won't be clever to generate as much energy, and it will star to collapse. That weight can’t make enough pressure to fuse the helium. But what the Hydrogen is left on the core's surface will fuse, generating a little extra energy and allowing the sun to keep unblemished. That Helium core, though, will star to shrink. It will let go energy, though no through fusion. Instead it now heats up because of greater than before pressure. That release of energy results in more light and heat, creation the sun to bloat into a red giant.

Red giants are red since their surface temperature is lower than stars like the sun. Red giants are a great deal bigger than their hotter counterparts.

One of the astronomer predictable that the sun will get so large that it will enlarge to the distance of 170 million Km. It will slightly obliterate Mercury, Venus and earth. Another result is that stars like the sun lose mass in excess of time, primarily via the solar wind.

Finally, though, the hydrogen in the sun's outer core will get exhausted, and the sun will start to collapse once again, triggering one more cycle of fusion. Once more for 2 billion years the sun will fuse helium into carbon and a number of oxygen, but there’s less energy in those reactions. Once the previous bits of helium turns into heavier rudiments, there's no additional radiant energy to keep the sun puffed up next to it's own weight. The core will shrink into a white dwarf. The distended sun's outer layers are only weakly bound to the core because they are so far away from it. So when the core collapses it will go away the external layers of its atmosphere behind. The consequence is a planetary nebula.

Since white dwarfs are animated by compression rather than fusion, initially they are quite hot — surface temperatures can reach 50,000 degree Fahrenheit (nearly 28,000 degrees Celsius) — and they illuminate the slowly increasing gas in the nebula. So any alien astronomers billions of years in the future might see amazing like the Ring Nebula in Lyra where the sun one time shone.
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