New Research Says Smoking Marijuana Causes Complete Crohn’s Disease Remission In 45% of Patients

In the United States, according to the Controlled Substance Act:
“[W]hen it comes to a drug that is currently listed in schedule I, if it is undisputed that such drug has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and it is further undisputed that the drug hasat least some potential for abuse sufficient to warrant control under the CSA, the drug must remain in schedule I.”
As it happens, marijuana is a Schedule I drug. The government says it has a potential for abuse, which it doesn’t, and that it has no accepted medicinal use, which it clearly does. According to anew study, cannabis has the capability to cause Crohn’s Disease to enter remission in 45% of patients.
The study examined 21 people with Crohn’s Disease. Half were given cigarettes without cannabinoids and the other half were given joints to smoke. The joints contained 23% THC and .5% CBD. 45% of the people given joints every day for eight weeks experienced complete remission of their Chron’s disease.
The remainder reported that symptoms were approximately half as severe. They were able to eat and sleep without so much pain.
“Subjects receiving cannabis reported improved appetite and sleep, with no significant side effects,”reports the study.
This is the first time a placebo-controlled trial has been conducted on cannabis and Crohn’s Disease. With any luck, more will follow.
Just one more ailment cannabis may cure.
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